The Linksys QuickVPN software is frustrating to get working. If will renumber your internal network whenever someone uses the software. So be aware that you must number your network in the 10.x.x.x address range even though the router comes out of the box numbered as

We're trying to make the LinkSys QuickVPN Client work from behind a PIX firewall - including 501 and 506E -- that is running PAT. If we set the computer up outside the firewall, it works just fine. When we put it behind the firewall, it indicates it is making a connection and says its applying the policy and then hangs on verifying network. How to set up a Client to Gateway VPN on RV082 - Linksys Jul 31, 2008 Linksys RV082 and QuickVPN Client errors Solutions When I disable the RV082 firewall, I am able to connect via Linksys QuickVPN. Testing with the customer from their satellite office produces the same results. I have reinstalled the Linksys VPN client, removed the recent MS Updates from my laptop and disabled the laptop firewall.

I've been able to connect to my vpn remotely using the quickvpn client. I can access the web pages of my NAS, router, and Wireless AP. However, I cannot access my shares on my NAS.

We're trying to make the LinkSys QuickVPN Client work from behind a PIX firewall - including 501 and 506E -- that is running PAT. If we set the computer up outside the firewall, it works just fine. When we put it behind the firewall, it indicates it is making a connection and says its applying the policy and then hangs on verifying network. Appendix B: Linksys QuickVPN for Windows 2000, XP, or Vista 62 IPSec VPN client software, including the Linksys QuickVPN software. (For more information, refer User have upgraded to QuickVPN v — We have confirmed that the older version of QuickVPN is also not working at this time A second RV082 was installed in a remote location and a gateway to gateway VPN connection was created so that the two subnets both appear inside our corporate intranet

QuickVPN is an easy way to set up VPN software on your remote computer or laptop with a simple username and password. This will help you securely access networks based on your Small Business Router. QuickVPN software is compatible with Windows 7 operating system (32-bit and 64-bit editions), Windows XP (32-bit), and WIndows Vista (32-bit and 64

(Don't waste time for) Cisco QuickVPN Client and Windows 8.1 compatibility issue Today, I've lost many, many hours fighting with Cisco/Linksys VPN software called Cisco QuickVPN Client, which is dedicated VPN client to small business line of Cisco/Linksys routers (RVxxx family). Can't access network through VPN after connecting. Subnets Nov 01, 2009